With a variety of high-damaging holy attacks (yes, a Kraekan of all things using holy attacks wrap your brain around that), lore that depicts her as being otherworldly to a point where she walks on a line between the celestial and physical planes, and a design reminiscent of the Moonlight Butterfly, Murdiella Mal is a deadly opponent. While she is a bonus boss that doesn’t reward you with anything beyond a pittance of gold and a boss weapon crafting material, she’s worth fighting just for how awesome she is. Another Kraekan boss is Murdiella Mal.It’s one hell of a Wake-Up Call Boss and leaves a lasting impression. It hits hard, moves surprisingly quick at points, and hits you with devastating fire attacks that, without the 100% fire resisting shield found in the area, will absolutely shred you and, should you somehow survive, leave you with noticeably less max health for the rest of the fight. A perfectly atmospheric Battle in the Rain against a pretty large dragon who is the first boss that makes it clear that the game does not fuck around. While fairly simplistic compared to later bosses, his memorable design, ability to rapidly close the gap between you and him with a lightning attack, some devastating combos and fucking LIGHTNING POWERS make him a worthy introduction to the game. The Sodden Knight, the first boss you are required to defeat to progress.
Best Boss Ever: But of course! What is a Souls-like game without some good bosses?.
Awesome Art: The game's 2D environments, effects, and sprites are interesting sight to behold, given that this game aesthetically looks similar to The Dishwasher. At least you get to make the best non-Jaws-Of-Death greatsword in the game out of his ashes for your trouble. Carsejaw the Cruel might dress up like Nito, but he has the durability of Pinwheel, making for a rather disappointing Bonus Boss you have to go pretty far out of your way to get to. You'd think that The Architect, who, besides The Nameless God and Skourzh, is the most powerful entity on the island and her 'best' creation would put up a better fight. Though they're a dual boss, both have below average health, their attack patterns often result in you being able to hit both of them at the same time, and killing one leaves the other gimped for the rest of the fight. While they're stuck in the unfortunate position of being fought right after The Witch of the Lake but before Kraekan Dragon Skourzh and The Forgotten Three, The Unskinned and The Architect don't come off as powerful as the lore implies they are. In fact, most of the challenge comes from the fact that he's an airborne enemy, which, for melee characters, makes him a bit of an annoying "Get Back Here!" Boss. For all the terrible things he's done and his implied might, the Untouched Inqusitor isn't too much of a challenge - his attacks can be easily dodged or avoided by simply going out of range, and while they knock you back, the damage done isn't too high.